7 steps to getting the best insurance cover

Want to get the best insurance cover for you and your family? Here is how you do it:

Using an adviser is always going to get you the best life insurance, income protection and health insurance to suit your budget, lifestyle and life stage. However, some people can be put off by thinking it is a service they pay for, or just not understanding how it works.

The first thing to note is that you don’t pay us for our services. We don’t want getting the best cover to cost our clients so we don’t charge you. Instead, we are paid by the insurers.

Here is our process to break it down for you.

1. Find an adviser

We get most of our clients through word of mouth. Finding someone who is local makes it easier for you - it is good to be able to meet in person. We have advisers all over New Zealand, check here and find an adviser near you.

2. The first meeting – Relationship Building

This usually takes under an hour and is a “Getting to know you” session. We want to have a really good understanding of your situation to ensure we can give you the best advice. This includes your budget, your lifestyle and what you want to happen should a crisis arise.

This initial meeting can take place at our offices, at your workplace, or we can come to your home – we’re even happy to come by in the evening after you have put the children to bed!

3. The Research Phase

After the initial meeting, we have a good idea of what you are after, and we go into research mode.

This means we look at the offerings of a range of different providers, to find the one that best suits your and your circumstances. The independent research we carry out is a key way that we add value to our clients. We then drill down into the fine print to make sure it all stacks up and that we can substantiate our recommendations to you.

4. The second meeting – Presenting the Plan

We get back with the client and present the plan we have put together.

We need to allow at least an hour for this meeting (and again we can meet wherever suits you best), as we present the plan and then go through the application process. The time it takes to fill out the application can vary - for example, if you have any health issues that need to be considered.

We also fill out payment forms at this meeting, so everything is ready to go once your application is approved.

5. Approval

If everything is clear-cut, we hear back from the provider and give you a call to say it is all ready to go. Sometimes, as a result of the information provided in the application, the provider may come back with questions or variations to the policy. This is something that your adviser will talk you through.

6. Claim time

While we all take out insurance hoping to never use it, at some stage you may need to make a claim. We have written a blog on what happens at claim time (you can read it here), but what you really need to know is that if you have your insurance through an adviser when it comes time to make a claim we will be there to support you, walk you through it and advocate for you.

7. Follow up

So, we have set up the best policy for your current circumstances, allowing you to get on with life knowing you are covered. However, life changes. To make sure your policies keep up with your life, we check in with you to find out if anything has changed and make sure you still have the best policies to meet your needs. (Here are some of the life changes that might lead to policy changes).


Are you ready to get the best insurance cover? Or do you have questions about how it works? Get in touch with one of our advisers today.


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